Ear Protection Safety Signs

Ear Protection Safety Signs

The most guaranteed method of preventing occupational deafness is by reducing noise at the source by engineering methods. However, in certain workplace conditions, there is very little or nothing one can do to reduce noise at the source. In such workplaces, workers wear hearing protectors to reduce the amount of noise reaching the ears.

The effectiveness of hearing protection is reduced greatly if the hearing protectors do not fit properly or if they are worn only part time during periods of noise exposure. To maintain their effectiveness, they should not be modified. Radio headsets should not be used as substitutes for hearing protectors and are not recommended to be worn where hearing protectors are required to protect against exposure to noise.

These safety signs
are available in the classic OSHA format as well as in the ANSI spec. You can choose from any format.  These safety signs become encapsulated under high temperature and pressure inside 50 mils of rigid PVC.  They are also resistant to chemicals, weather, physical abuse and tampering. Many of these signs are enhanced with OSHA/ANSI symbols. They can be delivered with either brass eyelets or adhesive mounted. Potential buyers can inquire for prices of semi custom signs and for signs over a quantity of 50.

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